Logistics and Service
Certified Quality
As an international freight forwarder, we are a certified, quality service provider in the field of global transport, logistics and freight management. With full commitment, we concentrate on our customers’ needs and provide all logistical services. We ensure complete satisfaction. The interests of our customers and partners receive our constant and undivided attention.
A History of Reliability
Kroll was founded in Berlin over 80 years ago and during this time, it has grown to become one of the top-performing service providers in the field of international transport and logistics. In 1990, Kroll was one of the first transport companies to open new locations for air and sea freight in the former East German states. Currently, we have freight forwarding locations in Frankfurt, Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig/Halle, Hannover, Hamburg, Stuttgart and Munich.
Future-proof Growth
Through the experience, commitment and enthusiasm of our employees, Spedition Kroll has grown to meet all the demands of the market. Thanks to successful cooperation with our strong domestic and international partners, we will continue to expand our company’s range of services.
Full service provider for all customs formalities
Kroll takes care of customs formalities for export and import via Alfa / Atlas customer declarations. Kroll takes care of processing the necessary customs documents, such as the ATA Carnet.